Superior University, Lahore provides a platform for professionals from different industries to network, share ideas, and collaborate. These conferences serve as an opportunity to learn from experts in the field, as well as gain knowledge on current industry trends.
2nd International Research Conference on Finance, Economics & Humanities
The 2nd international Research Conference on Financial Economics and Humanities invites you to participate in an intellectually stimulating event focused on the dynamic intersection of Risk Management, Financial Apparatuses, Capital Markets, and Fintech Innovation in Islamic Banking.
14th International Conference on Management Research
Fourteenth International Conference on Management Research (14th ICMR 2023) is aimed at bringing national and international academic, policy, industry, and government experts on board for taking stock of current situation and devising research-based policy imperatives for Sustainable Tourism in Pakistan.
Rascon 1st International Rehablitation & Allied Health Sciences Conference 2022
From 9th -11th December 2022, the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences is hosting the 1st international Interdisciplinary Research Conference called RASCON-2022 in Lahore, Pakistan with representatives from all around the world focused on aspiring knowledge to make an established platform…
13th International Conference on Management Research (ICMR)
The Faculty of Business and Management Sciences Organized its 13th International Conference on Management Research titled Entrepreneurial and Sustainability Prospects in Post-Pandemic World. This annual ICMR conference solidifies and reflects Superior University's commitment to promoting credible and pertinent academic research.
1st International Research Conference on Finance, Economics & Humanities (ICFH)
The theme of the conference is Socio-Economic and Cultural Change in Business through innovation and creativity in Turbulent Times. It encourages systematic exchange of advanced and inventive ideas, in collaboration with international, public and private organizations enduring the contemporary issues…