Research Commercialization and Technology Transfer – Five ways that can help you to protect and commercialize your creative work in sciences and social sciences

Any creation of mind such as invention, design, symbol, process etc. is referred to as Intellectual Property (IP). Just like tangible assets, intellectual property also contributes to the success of a business. Patenting is a primary tool to protect an IP, but there are number of intellectual properties such as copyright, trade secrets, know how, designs, trademarks, and database rights which should be managed properly.

Challenges in winning research grants for early-career researchers in Pakistan – Seven things you should know

Challenges in winning research grants for early-career researchers in Pakistan – Seven things you should know

The term “early-career researchers” refers to the professionals in their first four years of research activities. Early career researchers face many challenges in funding, publications, and career progression. When you start a career as a researcher, you have to balance many different professional tasks. Early Career Researchers are often engaged in the community and institutional service, conducting research, presenting, and writing. The first five to six years of your career is a time when you are expected to build up your research profile and professional resume. There is pressure to secure research funding and publish articles.